2007年2月12日 星期一


In this new semester , I hope I can study English five hours every day and listen more English songs and foreign movies to improve my English ability and absorb more knowledge that I don't know before .

2 則留言:

Happy 提到...


It's a few word about your hope. Can you write it more detail? Keep doing your blog. I hope you can use Word spelling-check dictionary. Then you can post your correct article to your blog.

Sir James Eric Watkins 提到...


I am James, writer, poet, and editor.

I'm blogsurfing, in search for talented, creative people.

We're accepting entries to our free poetry contest, as well as accepting submissions to our Creative Magazine, Flowers & Vortexes: www.promiseoflight.org

If you know anyone who writes, or artists or photographers that might like to become contributors to our site, please send them our way.