2007年4月30日 星期一



1. Allen plays a different sport each season. Which of these is a season?
2. Alice gave me part of her apple. How much did she give me?
3. Baseball, football and basketball are popular sports. But recently boating has become popular. What has become popular lately?
4. When I told her the news, Mary began to cry. How did Mary feel?
5. Who is usually most dependent on other people?
6. What did Harry need a battery for?
7. Humans are able to survive at very high altitude. What can they do there?
8. Anna complained that she was starving. What was she complaining about?
9. Frank walked quite a distance. How far did he walk?
10. What is gasoline used for?
11. Walter has a good deal of cash on hand. What does he have?
12. John and George want to take a walk after dinner. What do they want to do after dinner?
13. Did the student cross out the incorrect answer?
14. Why did Virginia go to the dentist?
15. Did Robert motion to you?
16. Which date would be best for you?
17. Is your dog healthy?
18. Why do people look forward to holidays?
19. Did the fog bother you?
20. He wanted to study engineering. What did he want to know?
21. Did Donald wreck the truck?
22. What will Jane do with her new cabinet?
23. Are you thirsty?
24. Mr. Stone ignores all his friends’ opinions. What did Mr. Stone do?
25. Where do we get on the bus?
26. It felt like a Canadian winter.
27. He noticed the mark right away.
28. Barbara considers her work a pleasure.
29. The father was severe with his child.
30. Joe’s eyes were badly damaged.
31. He could go with us if he wanted to.
32. The wire is twisted.
33. His stomach is full.
34. The volume over there is going to increase
.35. The fire spread.
36. Stick to your studies.
37. She is going to sing again.
38. The box is made of aluminum.
39. Mrs. Smith was looking for a new dress.
40. On this flag, each star stands for a state.
41. Mr. Candle keeps his tools in an orderly manner.
42. The water was transformed.
43. Many people settled in America.
44. Bob felt like a stranger at the meeting.
45. We were told to think it over before we decided.
46. He was disturbed by the noise.
47. Susan was carrying her baggage.
48. The commander observed a weakness in the enemy’s defense.
49. Don’t bother about the receipt.
50. The school has a new system for teaching students how to type.
51. W: What started all this? M: Something highly flammable in the back room. Q: What are they talking about?
52. W: Do you like it? M: Yes, it’s delicious. Q: What the man and woman probably talking about?
53. W: Where did you get those? M: I got them from the library. Q: What are the man and woman probably talking about?
54. W: Is that our train there? M: Yes, we must hurry now. Q: What must they do?
55. M: Where does John work? W: He works in an automobile factory. M: What are his duty hours? W: He works from nine to five. Q: When does John start his work everyday?
56. W: Have you finished the work yet? M: All I have to do is take care of the lubrication. Q: What does the man have to do?
57. W: Why can’t you let me in? M: I forgot the key. Q: Why don’t they go in?
58. W: Would you like more vegetables? M: No, that’s sufficient, thank you. Q: What did the man mean?
59. M: Do you agree with Oscar? W: No, but I still like him very much. Q: What is the woman saying about Oscar?
60. W: What would you like to eat? M: Anything will be all right. M: What did the man say?

2007年4月17日 星期二

A Psalm Of Life
Life is full difficulties. When we meet with a difficulty. We must be faced with it so that we can work out how to solve it."Don't expect your roads through life to be always smooth. When hard time come.We must face them bravely."
"Where there is a will , there is a way ."Well goes the proverb . On the contrary , a man cannot succed in doing anything if he has no staong will . As long as we have firm determination , we can likely achieve our goals . However, determination alone is not enough ; we must have perseverance as well.
A successful life lies in pursuing ideals in earnest . As long as we hang on , we can achieve anything . Adobe all these are my impirssions about this article which I have just read.
As the saying goes , "A self-confident person is more likely to succeed because with self-confidence he will persist untill the last minute."
Three of my advantages : the optimism is enterprising ; the alacrity is bright ; work and don't drag along mire to bring a water.
Three of my weakness : like to loaf on job to be always till the last a moment just does to finish ; I can't only do a thing once ; very easy for the sake of small thing motion concussion that beyond control oneself.

2007年4月15日 星期日


A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. 一鳥在手勝於兩鳥在林。(把握現在,別空想未來)
Curiosity killed the cat.好奇心會害死貓(過份好奇是危險的)。
Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 勿殺雞取卵。
The early bird catches the worm. 早起鳥兒有蟲吃。
One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.一隻羊生病害整群羊遭殃。
There is a black sheep in every flock. 到處都有害群之羊。
A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懶羊嫌毛重。
He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘心做綿羊,必然餵豺狼。
The scalded cat fears cold water. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。
When the cat's away, the mice will play. 貓兒不在,老鼠成精。
like a cat on hot bricks 如熱鍋上的螞蟻。
Barking dogs seldom bite. 會叫的狗不咬人。
Kill two birds with one stone.一石二鳥。
The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. 井底之蛙。
Pigs might fly. 緣木求魚。
Better be the head of a dog, than the tail of a lion. 寧為狗頭,不為獅尾。
rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨追溯它的來源有三種不同說法:第一種說法認為這句成語源於十七世紀的英國。當時街道的排水系統很不完善,每當大雨一來,總會有貓狗被水淹死,雨停之後,街上到處可見貓狗的屍體,看起來就像是伴隨大雨降下來似的。第二種說法則由北歐神話而來,而且都跟天氣有關。神話裡的眾神之王奧丁(Odin)腳邊躺著兩隻狼狗,北歐人認為暴風雨是因奧丁騎馬奔馳而起;再加上貓被認為能夠影鄉天氣的好壞,所以後人都會把大雨和貓狗聯想在一起。最後一種說法則認為天上的天貓專門掌管天氣好壞,天狗的工作則是掌管風的出現與否,如果衪們一言不和打起來,就可能造成雷雨交加的氣候。
black sheep(of the family) 害群之馬這個用語源於1550年代的流行民謠。對當時牧羊人而言,黑色綿羊的毛很難隨意染成別的顏色,所以價值比白色綿羊低;除此之外,黑羊也被視為擾亂羊群的破壞份子,所以歌謠中把黑羊形容成卑劣的畜生。而後人也引用這道歌詞,把black sheep引申作有辱家風的人或團體中的害群之馬
dark horse 黑馬「黑馬」最早出現在英國首相狄斯雷里於1831年出版的小說"The Young Duke"中。書裡描寫一場精彩的馬賽,當時全場觀眾都認為其中兩匹馬最有希望奪冠,但最後竟由一匹毫不起眼的黑馬,風馳電掣地衝過終點線獲勝,於是我們就將比賽中意外勝出的賽馬或參賽者稱作「黑馬」 go to the dog 每況愈下 現代人常把小狗當寵物,不僅讓牠們吃上等狗飼料,還會帶牠們去美容,可是以前的狗可就沒那麼好命了!當時的狗,吃的大多是主人吃剩的東西;即使是跟著主人一起辛苦打獵的獵犬,最後獲得的獎賞也只是主人挑剩不要的獵物部位。於是go to the dogs就被用來比喻情況衰退或變糟的意思。
lame duck 跛腳鴨如果你曾觀察鴨子走路,就會發現牠們的身姿都是搖搖晃晃的,如果再有一隻跛腳,那就更走不穩了!這句成語首次出現在十八世紀,用來形容倫敦證券所裡因買賣股票而破產的人,因為失去金錢讓他們失魂落魄、步履蹣跚似「跛腳鴨」的姿態。後來到了十九世紀的美國,由於任期即將屆滿的官員(尤其是總統)在脫離權力核心前,總感覺些許落寞,步履也顯得沉重,於是我們就用「跛腳鴨」暗喻這些即將卸任的官員或諷刺沒有能力的人。
let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹是生非想像一下,如果狗兒正安詳也睡覺,你卻去招惹牠,恐怕會被咬吧!其實在十三世紀,英文就出現「讓睡著的狗躺著」這句俗語,用來勸人不要招惹不必要的麻煩,別惹事生非。
參考資料: 崇誨樓一到四樓樓梯、雅虎知識